Friday, February 18, 2011

Parking lots

This morning we left the Speedway, Papa Joe went to a mega Motor Home store, and I walked around the shopping centers. Weird thing, stores were empty...unless they sell food or alcohol, no one is shopping there during race week. However, the parking lots were rapidly filling up. Parking spaces are $20.00 today and $40.00 on Sunday. I started wondering who was making all of this money...

Who is Sun Parking? So I asked. it is a company in Atlanta who owns the parking lots. They hire locals at $7.50 an hour, and the rest goes to Atlanta. Big business during race weeks. Then I went to Target

Same thing going on, same prices. But then I saw the attendants vest...

That intrigued me, since our YMCA is a proud recipient of United Way funds...

This is yet another reason that I love Target. They let the local United Way run their parking lots and the entire profit helps those in need in this community.Target is in a PRIMO location, directly across from the speedway. Big business. The United Way volunteers happily man the lot and this is a wonderful thing. GoTarget. And yeah United Way. If only Jacksonville held a major sporting event... I am impressed.

I saw a Nail Parlor on my walk, empty. $12.00 manicures. I had to help the local economy!

Even the Colonel gets into the spirit.

Papa Joe and I met for lunch and have a great lunch on a sunny patio..ok, so It was Panera again. We really are not in to fast food..sorry McDonalds.
Enjoyed the Florida scenery

Headed back to the track...

Saw another mention worthy t'shirt...

Saw the motor home that gave Papa Joe motor home envy last year...

And returned home to find shirtless neighbor, still shirtless

Heading out to read in the sun, with my earplugs. Cute little trucks are racing tonight..and I am sure I will be back with more words of wisdom after my afternoon walk.

Pretty cool, the Blue Angels are practicing their race flyover. Awesome!!!

Location:International Speedway Boulevard

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