Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday...dual day

So the big talk on campus...the Daytona campus, is Duck Dynasty. I have never seen the show, and after seeing what I see here, doubt I ever will.

Nice kid...selling their goods...shirts (Papa Joe is now a proud owner of one) hats (ok, so I gave in and bought Adam one) and duck caller things. The man in line in front of me bought one for $150.00!! To call ducks!

They ride theses trikes? I mean, really???

And there were races?? No, I did not let Papa Joe do this!
Today was a race day..The was as crowded as we have ever seen it...must be Danica!

Crews on pit row pre race

A picnic on the infield...

The high banks of we crossed,from the pits to our seats.
And just for you...some lovelies....

A curly mullet!

Um, ok

THE most annoying man at the race...he NEVER sat down and did beer shots every minute for 2 hours straight...then walked off in the BACKS of the chairs. Nice hat though.
After the race, my friend Tony came to visit bringing Nan Zipadelli with him. Her husband is the Chief of Competition for Stewart-Haas racing. We asked them why Danica really did not "show" up in the race today...basically, saving her car for the big race was the answer. But Nan did say that while she and her girls were in the driver playground, Danica came out of her motor home and the girls all yelled:"Hi Danica!"... Her response was a smile and a wave...Nan said..."You girls can do anything..." Danica has done that for all women! So come on Danica...race your heart out Sunday!!!!

Location:S Williamson Blvd,Daytona Beach,United States

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