Saturday, January 4, 2014

A new year....

2014. A new year, time for the usual resolutions...that I never follow through on. See, my first honest with myself. So no resolutions...just time to focus on being the best person I can be. And I won't get mad at my sisters dog every time she wets on my carpet. Ok, that's not true. I can still be the best person I can be and be upset with her, right?
Day one....a new start....and two friends sent me photos from Florida. Right, as I sit here on the snow covered prairie...

But.....rainbows! Optimism!! The first from the lower east coast

And the second from another part of the lower east coast. A new year, a new start....

And a precious new baby....sweet Sadie came to visit. The perfect start to a great new year. Day one of 2014....and it's a good start!!
Day 2
Cole and I went to St. Louis. My windshield washer fluid did not work, and the roads...snowy and messy. Cole only had to stick his head out of the window once to read the exit sign for me. So, all in all, that was good!
I ran a stop light! and I was lucky, no accident! no tickets. So that was extremely good!
Then when Cole and I were entering Trader Joe's, I found MONEY on the ground! That was really lucky!! Two whole dollars!!! Feeling abundant now!

And feeling grateful for dear friends...we had lunch with Emily and Jamey. What a wonderful second day of the year.
Day 3....

A sunset from my window...and...

A sunset from my favorite place on earth....magical!
Day 4...waiting for the storm, and my friend cleaned out her pantry....getting rid of the old, embracing the new...welcoming a great new year...yes, even cleaning a pantry inspires me!!!

And another friend, toasted me from Florida....

Cheers to a new year, fear not! you will not get a daily update from me!!!

Stay warm, and safe friends!!!

Location:Finley St,Jacksonville,United States

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