Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Napolean's Homeland

We had a fairly rough night at sea....both Papa Joe and I hit the Dramamine... But we awoke as we were docking in Calvin, Corsica, a French island.

After breakfast we boarded our tour bus and set out for Calenzana. a little village, with what appears to be a depressed economy. I would be depressed if I lived there.

There are 5000 residents on Corsica, until summer. Then there are more like 55,000 residents. Calenzana had some beautiful, albeit run down buildings. This island is Napolean's homeland. (yesterday we were docked in Elba, where he had been held prisoner until he escaped to meet his fate in Waterloo). In Calenzana, we saw this statue....

And Papa Joe questioned why we were in such a sad town...we never did figure it out.

There is not much industry here, tourism is it.

They do have 4 water bottling plants here. And the locals still go to the fountain in the town square to get their own water, why pay for it when it is free? The water is wonderful and so fresh. They also produce honey and chestnuts. A main crop is olives. Here, however, they only harvest the olives every other year. They absolutely do not shake their trees, they just hang out until the olives fall into the nets and the nets are out all year. Our guide told us,we never hurry, and we don't stress. That is obvious! And how do they get the olives to fall in the nets? They wait for the wind. if the wind doesn't get them all, well so be it. Then the press the olives once, a cold press and it truly is Extra virgin Olive oil. The Corsican people are small...rumor has it that the Mama's tell their children that when they grow up, they have to work, so they stay small.

Beautiful views...and our darling Jo and Tony.

Jo told Papa Joe that she looked so tiny next to him...and his "mountain" , said as she patted his tummy.

Tony apologizes for her constantly. But Papa Joe and I are totally smitten by her. Poor Tony can't get Papa Joe's name right...he has been Jason, George...Jo said tomorrow he will be Jesus!!!
We stopped at the top of the island at Chez Leon for Corsican, Source de Zillia water, crusty bread, cheese made from sheep (really???) and sausage made from hog hind legs.

Jo has a brother who lives above Highland, North Carolina and when she met a couple from there today she asked "oh, do you know my brother? he lives in North Carolina!" They did not. But it turns out he designed the Healy 100. Jo said: "he's rather a famous car designer for Austin Healey." she is full of surprises.
The only traffic we saw today...cows.

Family graves here are very important, and very elaborate...see the cemetery?

Our tour ended in Calvi and Papa Joe and I walked along the port and the beach...truly beautiful. we had lunch at a cafe on the port. Papa Joe got his mussel fix!

We ran into Holly and Marty...Holly is waiving.

I then hiked up into the old fort, waved to Papa Joe sitting on the deck of the ship.

I walked back through the village and found the most amazing hat!
Made here in Corsica. They are rumored to be good weavers, when they work. LOVE it. Baby Henry is also getting a hat, and Finley? A Stuffed Corsican pig. There is still snow on the mountains here...really lovely.

I then went to the pharmacy. Why? Well, Gwyneth Paltrow wrote of fabulous creams she finds only in France, so I am all over it! Hopefully you will all notice the difference!
We sail in an hour, so I am on deck, basking in the Meditereanean sun... Loving every minute of this amazing trip. We sail for Sardinia...cannot wait to see what awaits us!

Location:Calvi, Corsica, France

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